2 teams from IEEE USM Student Branch obtained first and second place in Malaysia, and 95th and 332th at International level. Among the competitors are 2267 teams competing worldwide, 34 teams competing at National level and 6 teams were from Universiti Sains Malaysia
This news is also proudly announced in official website of USM Engineering Campus
The IEEEXtreme 8.0 programming competition was conducted worldwide from 18 October to 19 October 2014. With the vision and mission of bringing in more impactful technical events to USM IEEE Student Branch, USM IEEE Student Branch had successfully introduced a global online challenge which was actively participated by teams of USM students. There are 2267 teams competing worldwide, 34 teams competing at National level and 6 teams were from Universiti Sains Malaysia. USM IEEE Student Branch had organized the event for the first time ever and the venue was took place at the Micro-computer Lab, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, USM.
During the 24 hours competition, the participants have been given 22 real world problems to be solved. Knowledge, brain storming and high commitment were required in solving the programming problem correctly and on time. Although this global online challenge was launched for the first time ever in USM, 2 teams from USM managed to secure first and second place in Malaysia, and 95th and 332th at International level. It was certainly a proud moment for USM IEEE Student Branch.
We sincerely thank our 3 proctors who are the IEEE members on duty to monitor the flow of the competition together with the student members. They are Dr. Muhammad Nasiruddin Mahyuddin, Dr. Rosmiwati Mohd Mokhtar and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shahrel Azmin Sundi. Also, thanks to the Technician on duty, Mr. Kamarulzaman Abu Bakar who was also involved in making sure the technical aspects of the lab where the competition was conducted were problem free. The achievement would have been impossible without the full support of the Dean of School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Prof. Dr. Mohd Zaid Abdullah, academics, technicians and administrative staff of the school.