modified AGM4

Meeting of pinnacle – IEEE Malaysia Section AGM

IEEE Malaysia Section had organised Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 18 Jan 2020 which was located at Pulse Grande Hotel, Putrajaya. Well, this was not a simple AGM as you might think. Other than appreciating contribution done by IEEE members throughout the years, the future planning of IEEE Malaysia Section was also being discussed during the AGM. Representative from IEEE USM SB, Chong Hong Yao had joined this grand moment and learned from all IEEE members.

The meeting started at around 9am. The event started with the first session of AGM for each IEEE Chapters. For your information, IEEE Malaysia Section not only consists of student branch, but also many technical chapters. Student members are encouraged to join any Chapter’s AGM as they like to widen their exposure.

After the Chapter’s AGM will be the AGM of IEEE Malaysia Section.  During the AGM, IEEE USM SB was being announced to win the silver and bronze medal for IEEE Darrel Chong Student Activity Awards 2018 and 2019 respectively. Besides, the IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Chapter Advisor Awards 2018 was bestowed upon our advisor, Dr. Mohd Tafir Mustaffa during the AGM.

The event ended with so much insight gained by attendees. Stay tuned and stay active for more IEEE USM SB activities.