The Congress started with welcoming remarks by program director, Mr. Loo Fang Hean. After an official welcome, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi (Chair, IEEE Malaysia Section) delivered his speech about History, Present and Future of IEEE Malaysia Section. Next, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lee Yoot Khuan (Education Activities Chair, IEEE Malaysia Section) introduced about IEEE Educational Activities in IEEE Malaysia. Engaging WIE was presented to participants by Dr. Nasreen Badruddin (Women in Engineering, IEEE Malaysia Section). Mr. Simon Yeoh Hong Boon, represent for YP Malaysia gave a talk about “Students to Young Professional – Effectively Adapting to Transition”.Next, the sharing session was done by representative from all the IEEE Student Branch (IEEE SB UNMC, IEEE SB USM, IEEE WIE USM SB, IEEE SB UPM, IEEE SB INTI, IEEE SB UM, IEEE SB UniMAP, IEEE SB Universtas Indonesia, IEEE SB Institute Teknologi Bandung). Final year project (FYP) winners’ booths were set up for students and VIPs to visit. 26 FYP winners shared their experiences and inspired the students to follow their footsteps to success. FYP winners award giving ceremony was done to commend them.The Congress was followed by group activity and networking session. Group members were delegated from different IEEE Student Branch. Tasks were given to each group. This session enabled students to build teamwork spirit and encourage collaboration between those IEEE Student Branch in future. Last but not least, all the participants received their certificates for their distribution as participants in the successful execution of this event. All invited speakers received certificates and gifts as an appreciation for joining and giving talks during the Congress. The Congress ended with photo sessions. Throughout the Congress, FYP winners and speakers from a distance had brought together to discuss and share their knowledge and experience.